Ordering Back Issues

“Branching Out From St. Clair County Illinois,” the Official Quarterly for the Marissa Historical and Genealogical Society, is published four times a year.  Every member will receive a quarterly as part of their membership fee.  The Quarterly is published in November, February, May and August.

Our quarterlies include genealogical and historical information from St. Clair, Randolph, and Washington Counties.

Members of the MHGS are encouraged to submit articles of historical or genealogical interest that they would like published in the quarterly.  We do not assume responsibility for errors or fact of judgment on the part of the contributor.

Back Issues of the quarterly are available for $10.00 per copy.

The MHGS encourages other societies to contact us about arranging an exchange.  Members of societies with whom we exchange quarterlies may submit one fee query per year.  Please inform us as to which society you belong when submitting your query.  Members of our society may submit as many queries per year as the desire.

To return here after downloading an Order Formclick your browser Back Button.

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Contents of the last “four” quarterlies:

Volume 51, Number 4                                                   August  2024

Finger Funeral Home Records 1891-1901

Marissa Messenger Abstracts 3 Feb 1928

Carved in Granite………Brian Mahan

Recapturing Marissa’s History – Its Beginning

The Knitting Lesson….. Anna (Kess) Weedman

Marissa Messenger Abstracts 6 and 31 Jan 1947

Marissa Monitor – Mar, Apr 1933

Coultervile Republican Abstracts

Frederick and Henrietta (Fulte) Schenke Descendants

Fatalities in Marissa Mines  1890 – 1946

A Coal Miner’s Memory

Vasquez Family

Washington County, Illinois Births , January-April 1889

Will of Friedrich Wilhelm Ahlers

A Few Descendants of Friedrich Wilhelm Ahlers

Volume 51, Number 3                                                      May  2024

Sr. and Jr., Not Always What You Think…….Brian Mahan

Prest School,……..Kay Jetton

Ancestors of Anna Margaretha Kiefer

Prominent Citizens Meet Tragic Death

Marissa Messenger Abstracts 6 Jan 1927

Only Yesterday – The Marissa Barbeque……………..Tom Brown

Too Much of A Good Thing……………………Tom Brown

Our Military:   William Ward, Nomald Barker, Wayne Calvert Robert Goaring, Norman Harriman,

       Allan Rhodes, Carl Calvert, Charles Been, Harry Weshinskey, Richard Singer, John Hamilton

       Fred Keim, Jr., Charles McBride, John E. Jones, Daryl Heil, Ira L. Fett, Winston McGill, Leroy

       Kinzel, Virgil Isgrigg, Clifford King, William G. Galle, Joe Mitchell, Lewis Smith, Dale Clark,

       Shirley Barton, Frank Geralds, Arvid Hanson.

Late Nineteenth Century Travel-A Trip To England………..Janie Coulter Stafford

Charles  & Janie (Coulter) Jones Descendants

Some Descendants of Jacob & Margaret Frech.

Volume 51, Number 2                                               February 2024

The Problem with Leards,,,,,,,,,Brian Mahan

Gibson Bible Records

Obituary of John Reppel

R. M. Kennedy Bible Records

Marissa Messenger Abstracts 31 Jan 1947

Nutting on the Kaskaskia……. Anna (Kess) Weedman

Sparta News Plaindealer,  With the Colors 13 Mar 1942

Salem Church

Old Salem Cemetery

Nashville Journal Abstracts 17 Jun 1909 

Johann George Erb Descendants

Gottfried Kaegel  Last Will and Testament

Gottfried Kaegel Descendants

Addie Teter Letter 1947

Volume 51, Number 1                                            November  2023

An Evening at Home………Anna (Kess) Weedman

Neena…….Anna (Kess) Weedman

Marissa Messenger Abstracts Jan 1927

Archibald Borland – Ireland to Randolph County, IL

Nashville Democrat Abstracts 15 & 29 Jan 1903,  12 Feb 1903, 12 Mar 1903, 21 Dec 1903

Our Military:  Rufus King, Ralph King, Clifford King, Edward Dial, Walter          Dial, Jr.,  Edward Dial  Willard L. Dial, Joseph Mitchell, Daniel T. Seiber,        Wayne E. Cavaness, Woodrow Cavaness, Jesse Cavaness, Bernell                    Cavaness, Kenneth Heil, Norman Heil, Daryl A. Heil, Robert Ramsey.

A Sketch of John Hook

Obituary of Andrew Borders

Marissa Monitor Abstracts Jul 1883

Descendants of Nicholaus & Elisabeth Groh

Marissa Boys in Bad Car Accident – Sparta News Plaindealer 19 Jul 1928

With the Colors – Sparta New Plaindealer 13 Mar 1942

Tornado of 1938 Remembered in Diary – New Athens Journal Messenger 10 Mar 1994

Marissa School Burns.